Media essay

  • A population is considered ageing when the proportion of people in the older age groups increases, resulting in more elderly and fewer young people. In less than 10 years, Singapore will become a country with 21% of our population aged 65

  • ​The first world war began in late July 1914 and ended in November 1918, leaving 17 million dead and 20 million wounded. Unlike the second world war, the causes of World War I remain controversial and debated questions still to

  • Enfeksiyon psoriasis etyolojisinde ''nemli bir tetikleyici fakt''rd''r. Psoriasis hastalar'' normal populasyona g''re daha s''k ''st solunum yolu enfeksiyonu ge''irmektedir. Streptecoccus pyogenes guttat psoriasis ile ili''kili bulunmu''; akut guttat psoriasisi olan hastalar''n %85 inde anti-streptolizin-O antikorlar'' pozitif saptanm''t''r. ''zellikle ''ocuk hastalarda

  • 1. Why must we do research in psychology? [4 marks] Research in psychology is essential, as it consists of certain guidelines, methods and psychometric measures to ensure the findings produced are as scientific and reliable as possible. Where certain social and psychological phenomena

  • Angela Lee Duckworth, a psychologist, challenges the reigning ideas that IQ among other factors such social intelligence, good looks and physical health is not the main predictor of success. In her studies which entailed identifying successful individuals amongst kids and