Environmental studies

  • In simple terms, the process of prioritizing projects is an activity undertaken to determine the sequence of projects to be undertaken in a portfolio. It is done in an attempt to make the portfolio more efficient and more effective. Here’s a

  • -Styrofoam contains styrene, which has proved to increase the risk for leukemia and lymphoma. -People working in factories which produce styrofoam suffer high rates of cancer, and in females, miscarriages. -Plastics and their toxins get consumed by fish that we eat. -Plastic toxins,

  • Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of electrons and protons, but they have different numbers of neutrons, therefore a differing mass amount as well. One element can have more than one isotope. For example Carbon-14 is an isotope

  • Food security, defined by the FAO, is “when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” In order

  • Intro:Have you ever been immersed in nature and just as you are realizing how beautiful the world is, your appreciation is ruined when you notice garbage? Try and think of a time, I know I have many memories of this