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Analyze Relationship Between Culture And Individuals
I. Abstract
This study will analyze relationship between culture and individuals in relation to moral rules. We understand that there are not enough researches that focus on this relationship and that is why our research is most important. We predict that moral rules come from individuals. This study will help people behave each other nicely and have common moral rules for every society.
II. Introduction
Moral rules are the rules that govern which actions are right or wrong when people communicate and behave with one another. Culture and people’s mind decide whether a situation right or wrong. The study on American and Indian populations say that each culture on both region play huge role in generating moral rules(Joan G.Miller,n.d.). Culture bring people together and provide common moral rules for each community.The children whose parents accept cultural values on the morality follow the same way. So, the moral rules pass down from generation to generation.
We need to make a research about the moral rules because there are not enough researches that focus on this relationship and that is why our research is most important. For this problem, we would like to ask that question:Where the moral rules come from?Is it culture or individuals? Our hypothesis says moral rules come from individuals due to the fact that we consider our own values for moral. When we encounter certain situations(burglary,polemic etc.), we respond to situations whether it is wrong or right in our own mind.
The important term about that issue is “altruism”. Altruism is willingness to do things that bring advantages to others, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself.
III. Literature Review
Moral rules affects people when we decide which actions are right or wrong. In this case, we have two important components:culture and individual. Actually, there are not enough researches that look at this relationship that is why our research is most important.
The following five literature review attempt to show support the hypothesis. First study done by allaboutphilosophy obviously show that in the behavior of older babies and young toddlers. If a child has been denied to touch or take a certain object early on, they realized enough to slowly look over their shoulder to see if they are being observed before touching said object. There was no require for this behavior to be taught; it was behaving or reacting naturally and without thinking. The study found that all form of discipline applied to shape the child’s behaviour. The child gained ability within himself to determine his right behaviour from his wrong behaviour. So, each person established own moral values from childhood to adulthood when he/she encounter events in the life. Another study done by Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, explored how children improved moral reasoning. He declined the idea that children learnt and adopted the rules and morals of community by being given the rules and forced to obey to them. Through his research on how children shaped their judgments about moral behavior, he noticed that children determined morality best by having to deal with others in groups. He found that there was a progress by which children approve to society’s norms of what is right and wrong. Another study done by Karen Wynn and her team evaluated the minds and behaviors of babies for decades. About eight years ago they started running a series of studies on babies under 24 months to measure how much these babies understand about good and bad behavior. For this purpose, some characteristic features assigned to colours. Each performer represented one characteristic features with colour. All babies watched carefully what happened in there. Babies made decide which one is good or bad without parents’ affect. The result was very efficiently. More than 80% of the babies in the study made their preference for the good behaviour. The rest of the babies chose their preference for the bad behaviour. That study showed that even before babies can speak or walk, they judge good and bad in the actions of others because they were born with a elementary sense of fairness. Another study done by Frans de Waal, director of Emory University’s Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Lawrenceville, Georgia, studies how our close primate relatives also showed behaviors evocative of a sense of morality. This study report that primates decide to behave each other or to respod the events they faced as individuls. That was simlar to the people’s morality developing. Another study done by huffingtonpost show that morality rules were not completely rules. Morality rules were not written on anywhere. They used this fact and concluded that every moral rules came from individuals even if culture was the same.
IV. Methodology
Participants in this study will involve 30 University of Turkish Aeronautical Association students. Participants will involve 16 females and 14 males between the ages of 18 and 22. All participants in this study will be volunteers. Potential participants will be excluded if people will come from different culture each other. We will find 30 students that have the same culture.
Informed consent forms will be used including information about modalities and benefits of participating. The aim of the study also will cover on the consent forms. Additional materials will be used like self -actions survey. The self-actions survey will contain five questions that related to some moral values of events. These events will be included cheating, respecting others, telling the truth, being trustworthy and doing gossip. Each question will refer to actions about these values. Participants will be supposed to address “right “ or “wrong” as an answer. Each participant will evaluate by one by one. Participants first will think about the given events and then decide which choice will be given with respect to themselves. Actually, our variable will be participants and only we will fix the same culture all participants to see the changing idea range. After the survey will be finished, researcher will tell them that the study will look for relationship between culture and individuals in relation to moral rules. The weakness in our study will be that we just will study students at UTAA(University of Turkish Aeronautical Association).
V. Discussion
The result will not differ from what we expect. Because each moral rules will determine by people’s own mind. We will trust our mind most precisely than other things as if it will not be mistaken. Moral rules will change from person to person. It will indicate where the moral rules will come. This study will give another reflection on this matter. We think that further researchs generate that topic more than one variable to understand better all relationships.

Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.