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Most Americans Take Basic Things

Most Americans take basic things for granted, let it be free education or law enforcement that doesn’t show favoritism or corruption. Not only those basic needs but also laws we use that were created in order to protect us. Laws such as child labor laws or right to equal education that not one person gets better education based on race. We also have laws that most people don’t know existed but without we would not be doing the things we do today without. Most laws are there to protect us while some of us take them for granted others from other countries would love to have something similar. Kids from other countries are forced to work and quit school just to get food on the table because they are male or forced to stay home because they are female.While most American kids just go to school to socialize and if they are intelligent learn something. When they are home they expect food to be made or go out to eat and some complain about what they are eating. Not only do Most people from first world countries take many things for granted that people from developing countries will kill for. We as Americans don’t think of things like this we just do everything day by day and if it don’t go as planned we complain. As Americans we take basic things for granted but we shouldn’t we should be thankful for where we are at and what we got.

Child labor is basically a word to replace cheap or slave labor why? Well most kids who work at a young are from developing countries and work for little to no money. These children are taken out from school and forced to work to survive. These children are deprived of a better life just because of their situation. If only these children had a chance at school they can do something, something for the better of them or the better of their country,”Evidence from many countries suggests a close association between school absenteeism and high rates of school drop-out, and low academic achievement, and health and psychological disorders. ata shows that more than a quarter of children aged 7-14 years children this age miss at least one day a week ” (Alok). When around half of the population of a developing countries children are working from the age of seven through fourteen you have a problem. You have even more of a problem when they are at least missing one day a week that is causing them physical and mental disorders. Of all these who has it the worst is the young ladies they are not only not licked in many developing countries but most of the time disregarded. They are not allowed to go to school because they are forced to stay at home and do house chores. Not only are they not allowed to go to school but they are to be married at a young age to keep the “process” going.

Young females from developing countries are not only treated the worst but they are the ones who suffer the most but those who escape their countries are the strongest of them all. In many third world countries sexual violence and abuse is a normal thing in a girl’s life. Sexual violence is defined as any sexual act that is perpetrated against someone’s will. Not only is that horrid enough but when young girls are sexually violated and get pregnant and they have the kid they can possibly die,“Findings According to the empirical data, standard cross-sectional survey statistics underestimated true infant and under-5 mortality by 6.7% and 9.8%, respectively” (Hallett). It is said that “girls and women fall prey to domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse, sexual exploitation, trafficking, incest, harmful practices such as female genital mutilation/ cutting, as well as so-called honor killings, femicide and murder by intimate partners” (Girl Rising). What would happen if someone from the US did this to a young lady that person will ultimately end up in jail and be on a permanent list that prohibits them from doing many things in life. This brings something else we take for granted our not so corrupt police force if something happens that is not supposed to happen they’re will most likely be repercussion.

My parents came from Mexico they have told me stories of what they had to do in order to be where they are now. They have told me they were pulled out of school at young ages in order to be on the streets and sell things or work in shops in order to get food on the table. Then they immigrated to the US at the age of nineteen to provide a better life for them and their future kids, me. This not only proves most statistics but it shows if you leave the problematic country you and anyone who comes after you will flourish to become better people and succeed, “The “American dream” is an ethos steeped in American lore that became popularized in the 1930s. It is the bedrock belief that one can achieve success through hard work and initiative with the economic opportunities provided here.

Since Mexican immigrants make up a large portion of the US’s immigrant population, it is assumed that the American dream is the driver of the influx, regardless of immigration laws and policy. ”(Grava). When people get away from the country that is causing them their problems they will be a success story and will make it. Not only this but if they come to any country that is fully developed it will help them a lot.

These constraints keep women from becoming literate members in their society. These women have gone through so much in their life and it is not their fault. It’s where they were born their home countries fault. Girls are being forced to get married at an early age with the possibility of death. Then do labor that most kids in developed nations would never do and will never have to do because where their from. They are also being ridiculed because of their gender and are severely discriminated against just because they are girls they can be killed at birth or disregarded as a human being. Research shows that “almost half the world’s female children are not in school” (Khan and Rodrigues). Education is a great opportunity to be able to be successful and get yourself and kids a way better future. Young girls should not be deprived of getting an education just because of their sex. When you educate a girl they are more likely to have a better career they can be a doctor. Nurse, lawyer, engineer, etc and can have a longer and healthier life. Just the way young boys are allowed to go to school and do things that girls everyone should be treated equally and have the same things in life if they worked hard enough for it.

Most Americans take basic things for granted, let it be free education or law enforcement that doesn’t show favoritism or corruption. Not only those basic needs but also laws we use that were created in order to protect us. Laws such as child labor laws or right to equal education that not one person gets better education based on race. We also have laws that most people don’t know existed but without we would not be doing the things we do today without. Most laws are there to protect us while some of us take them for granted others from other countries would love to have something similar. Kids from other countries are forced to work and quit school just to get food on the table because they are male or forced to stay home because they are female. If you get one thing out of this essay get that you are blessed to be where you are at and never take it for granted.

Freelance Writer

I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.