Philosophy essay

  • There are two centuries in which many considered slavery, a one of a kind institution, as an acceptable thing, moral or even completely normal. Faced with such cruelty, injustice and impunity, voices were raised in the United States and around

  • Discrimination, unfortunately, has been occurring throughout history. It mainly revolved around a particular event during World War II: the Holocaust, which was considered to be a systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of almost six million Jews by the Nazi

  • Social science has always had difficulties “proving itself” as a science due to problems for those seeking to develop social explanations without the use of experiments. The contrast explanation approach as proposed by Tony Lawson (2008) addresses the threefold problem a

  • Wealth, Poverty, and the Economic Divide Inequality has always been an issue around the world, and the United States of America (U.S.) is no exception. The economic inequality throughout the U.S. has the top one percent of the population owning half