Perfect Baby Or No Baby?
Perfect baby or no baby? Such is the dilemma presented at the doorstep of society. In an age where technology offers a plethora of open doors, the focus of society has shifted from merely surviving as a species to excelling
Brexit Was One Of The Most Controversial
Brexit was one of the most controversial and shocking political development in recent history. It all started when the previous U.K. prime minister, David Cameron promised that his Conservative government would hold a referendum if they were re-elected in 2015.
In November 2nd 2017, The Bank
In November 2nd 2017, the Bank of England raised the interest rate for the first time in over a decade. It has been raised by a quarter of a percent up to 0.5%, which indicates the likely start of a
One Of Presidents Trumps Major
One of Presidents Trumps major campaign promises was to build a wall between the southern border of the United States and the northern border of Mexico. Trump has continually said that he would get Mexico to pay for the construction
Ife Is Certainly A Gift, But It
ife is certainly a gift, but it can become intolerably painful and confusing. It is incredibly scary and heartbreaking to go to the hospital and find out you have an incurable, terminal illness with a painful and difficult few months