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Throughout History Many Nations
Throughout history many nations have had hardships and struggles due to the fault of dictators. One of these nations are Uganda. Uganda, in Eastern Africa, is the home of two of the world’s largest bodies of water and is surrounded by many neighboring countries including Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and Sudan. Uganda claimed Independence in October 9th of 1962 by the United Kingdom. The nation was taken control of by Milton Obote, the first president of Uganda at the time. The economy of Uganda flourished between 1962 and by the end of the 1960’s mostly due to tourism, food industries and capitalism. With their flourishing economy there became many downfalls including political instability and outbreaks of civil wars which almost demolished Ugandas’ economy. During the presidency of Milton Obote, Obotes’ ruling he became very violent and troublesome for the people of Uganda which made the nation very unstable. With the reign of his terror over his citizens, Obotes’ presidency was overthrown and Uganda then had a new leader, Idi Amin.
Idi Amin first became a part the King’s African Rifles, part of the infantry of the British colonial army. Amin had moved through ranks briskly and was then fighting rebels in Kenya and Somalia. These actions then rose to Amin becoming the highest rank in the KAR and had promptly became the commander of the armed forces in Uganda. During Amins’ military time he came in alliance with Milton Obote but during that time Obote had ordered Amin to de-crown the king of south central Uganda and Amin had forced the king into exile in 1966. Idi Amin then intensified his part in the army with funds by guerillas in Sudan. Obote realized that Amin was trying to gain power and tried shutting him down but everything he did didn’t work and Amin then changed his position in the army to non-executive, meaning he chose not to have executive functions. On the 25th of January in 1971 while Obote was in Singapore, Amin had led a coup d’etat or rebellion and contained the people Uganda, then declared himself president of Uganda.This is how Idi Amin rose to power
During Amins dictating presidency, he abused his power economically, socially and politically. Amin caused the economy of Uganda to downfall by having mass executions of Asians. He expelled them from Uganda which generated goods and agriculture to come to interruption because they didn’t have the proper resources to reinforce them. Amins purpose for this carnage was to annihilate foreign economic interests to enhance a army. Politically Amin used institutionalized terror to eliminate anyone who opposed him or he thought was opposing him which also caused the economic downfall. He also expelled from all Israeli advisers once they denied his large increases in military assistance were denied, Amin then faced the Arab republic of Libya and they supported him instantaneously. Socially he accepted tourist from visiting but often they did not visit because of his terrorizing ruling.This is how Idi Amin abused his power politically, economically and socially.
Uganda follows the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights for many reasons and one is the abuses carried out in its nation. One of the abuses that this declaration carried out was Idi Amin violated this for the genocides he carried out by killing Asians, homosexuals and anyone who opposed him “Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Another abuse that was carried out was the exile of King Freddy II, Obote had Amin to dethrone the king “Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.” Uganda has also carried out the killing and torture of people who have been loyal to Obote “Article 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” These are some ways Uganda has carried out abuses
When Idi Amin first came into power the citizens of Uganda welcomed him as they saw him as a new leader. His recognition rose greater as he removed Obote’s secret police. Citizens of Uganda also liked him before his institutionalized terror because he promised free elections and freed political prisoners. Not only did he bring back King Freddie’s body back to Uganda when he died in exile but he promised power back to the people. Citizens then started to realize that many people were being murdered for speaking out against Amin and were soon against him. Ugandas citizens were under the rule of Amins tyranny and couldn’t do anything to take control. This is how citizens saw Idi Amin.
Nearing the end of Idi Amin’s reign he was confronted by disagreement on the inside of Uganda. Amins assistances and associates slowly started to fade away and went into exile. Amins troops then started to rebel against him and he had sent troops to go after the troops who mutinied him and some who fled to Tanzania. Amin then blamed Julius Nyerere, President of Tanzania at the time, for trying to start war between Uganda. President Nyerere then counterattacked and began to mobilize his defense force because Amin annexed a part the Kagera region across the boundary, which is the boundary between Uganda and Tanzania. Nyerere had the support of Uganda’s exiles and causes Amin’s troops to retreat. Idi amin’s reign was over on the 11th of April 1979 when he was forced to flee Uganda to Libya then later went to Saudi Arabia. Amin was never seen in Uganda again.

Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.