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- /According To Reichert (2012)
According To Reichert (2012)
According to Reichert (2012), the role of sex appeal in print advertising for selling brands have attempt by researchers since the 1960s. Specifically, they have attempted to understand how sex appeal content influences the print advertising communication process. In some countries, there are some restrictions and those countries are not allowing to publish or produce or promote their product and brand with any sex appeal content in print advertising for example, newspaper, magazine, billboard, and poster. This type of advertising first began in the 1960’s it was seen as controversial and inappropriate. Base on the research conducted by Wilson and Moore (1979), they stated that this trend towards the sex appeal advertising was increasing. In the marketplace of today, the use of sex appeal is print advertising seems to be a lot. Likewise popular for same products that must compete intensely for consumers’ attention and purchase intention.
According to Clow and Baack (2007), sex appeal include fear, humor, sex, music, rationality, emotion and scarcity. These seven appeals used successfully in print advertising. Certain appeals are more effective than others for particular circumstances. Thus the advertiser’s main goal is to ensure the appropriate sex appeal is used for the brand or product. The sex appeal in print advertising to arouse the need for the product in the consumer. According to Reichert (2002), sex appeal in print advertising content include the following form which are nudity (dress), suggestive behavior, physical attractiveness, innuendo, interaction and other factors such as setting, context and camera effects. Content analysis reveals that the majority of sex appeal content in print advertising comprises visual representations nudity or dress of people.
Sex appeal in print advertising is one type of emotional – based advertising (O’Guinn, Allen & Semenik 2009). Among the more memorable examples of such advertising in recent years are the long-running argument in print advertising for obsession perfume and cologne by Calvin Klein. These advertisements, somewhat characteristic of the genre, typically feature a pair of couple in a suggestive position. In print advertising, sex appeal is tools that can influence consumer’s purchase intention. When consumer want to compare the brands, they can search from the print advertising such as newspaper, billboard, magazine, and poster. Some of the consumer will get influence of their purchase intention when see the sex appeal print advertising. Therefore the purpose of this study is to find out sex appeal in print advertising that influence purchase intention.
1.2 Statement of Research Problem
Sex appeal in print advertising is very prevalent in today’s society. Many student do not know what sex appeal is about and do not know sex appeal in print advertising can get consumer attention to influence their purchase intention. Similarly, the researchers also believes there has been no study measuring sex appeal in print advertising affects consumers purchase intention. Researchers are also trying to gain deeper understanding of how sex appeal in print advertising affect the consumer’s perception towards of it. There are several different level and type as how is being categorized as sex appeal. A study conducted by Ramirez and Reichert (2000) revealed four characteristics of sexy ads such as physical features of models, behavior or movement, contextual features, and intimacy between models, for example camera effects. Nonetheless, little to known about SEGi University Mass Communication students’ aware about sex appeal in print advertising. Therefore, this research aims to find out sex appeal in print advertising that influence purchase intention and gain deeper understanding.
1.3 Research Objective
RO 1: To find out sex appeal in print advertising that influence purchase intention among SEGi University students.
RO 2: To gain deeper understanding of how sex appeal advertising affects mass communication students in SEGi University Kota Damansara and their perception of sex appeal print advertisements.
1.4 Research Question
RQ1: Why sex appeal in print advertising could affects Mass Communication students purchase intention?
RQ2: To what extent how sexually advertising affects Mass Communication students and their perception of sexually advertisements.
1.5 Significant of Study
The main reason of conducting this study is to find out sex appeal in print advertising that influence purchase intention among SEGi University Mass Communication students and to gain deeper understanding of how sex appeal in print advertising affects SEGi Mass Communication Students and their perception of sex appeal advertisement. This study could help future researchers in conducting their research that related to sex appeal. It will direct them why sex appeal in print advertising could affect people’s purchase intention. Sex appeal in print advertising affect people and their perception. Therefore, future researchers and the society who are interested in this topic will have a better understanding about the topic.
1.6 Limitation of Study
This study experienced a significant of limitations to show it is important to note these limitations as they influence the research results. Firstly, data collected from 120 SEGi University Mass Communication student in Kota Damansara. The researcher limit the age group around 18 to 26 years old and limitation the sample size which is 60 male and 60 female. Moreover, this study conducting using quantitative which come out 21 survey questions. Some of the student do not know about the sex appeal in print advertising. Therefore, this research can let students more aware about the sex appeal in print advertising.

Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.