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Around The World Divorce Is Common
Around the world divorce is common and known amongst different societies, some with higher rates than others. According to Irvin (2012), in America there is one divorce every 13 seconds. That’s 6,646 divorces per day, and 46,532 divorce per week. This is a social issue within our society that has many negative effects on everyone facing this circumstance. The divorce rate in the U.S is a problem that shows an increase in its rates compared to the past decades. According to the U.S Census Bureau, around 50 percent of marriages end in a divorce. There are many reasons for divorce from “hard” reasons (e.g., abuse and adultery) to “soft” reasons (e.g., psychological and relational problems). The two most destructive reasons for a divorce is physical violence or alcohol and drug problems, but these reason are less frequently are seen as reasons for divorce. The most common reasons for divorce are the “soft” reasons. According to William, a recent national survey found that 73% said the “lack of commitment” was their major reason for divorce. Other reasons were “ too much arguing, infidelity, marrying too young, unrealistic expectations, lack of equality in the relationship, lack of preparation for marriage, and abuse” (William, p10). Divorce has known to be a second most stressful life event, came before only by the death of a spouse and what is that stress capable? It is dispatching a serious about of anxiety and depression to people’s limbic system as emotional center in the brain. According to Taylor and Beth (2009), the stress of divorce had driven people beyond the normal grief felt in a divorce and into a clinical depression. “Nearly 15 million American adults, or about 6.7 % of the U.S population age 18 and older, is affected with a major depression in a given year.” (WebMD)
Depression in one or both partner often lead to martial difficulties and ultimately divorce. Marital conflict occurred with individuals or both partners’ disease depression (Taylor Beth, 2009), and stressed of divorce can lead depression, and depression will bring negatively impact on people’s life. Also, one individual’s depression level affects the other because it might be caused partners to see themselves and their spouse negatively. They often feel angry, hopelessness, guilty, stressed, sadness and anxious. There all can make to feeling resentful and overwhelmed, feeling frustrated, and increased conflict. Contrarily, the pains of experience a divorce is a not easy for people. Getting into a divorce with depression certainly stresses any copying skills that might or might not be viable. There would be emphasized and aggravated the symptoms of existing depression by divorce. Taylor Beth showed that “divorce men had 6 times the incidence of depression when compared to their married counterparts while divorce women were 3.5 times more likely in the 2 years following their divorce to be depressed than married women.” (2009)
Statement of the Problem and the Impact of Divorce Depression among Adults
As this study history suggests, depression that impacts individual partner has an impact on the other partner, the relationship and ultimately the entire family. The study will review the depression impacts on women and men by divorce and it is examining available empirical research on marital and divorce rates of gender differences in depressed of divorce individuals, depending on whether male or female is depressed in the U.S. It can help to see how depressions affect individuals and their life. However, the paper also reviews two theories behaviors of sociology as they refer to marriage and divorce. It will discuss the need for theoretically-guided research and identify methodological and conceptual of the current nicety and development.
Base on the above discussion, it is possible to identify problems that would be served as a main point of departure for the present examination. The study reviews the depression impacts on women and men who are getting divorce or experiences divorced are at increases risk for a number of physical health, antisocial behavior, phobias, behavior disorder, negative thought, and other anxiety disorders than marriage couples. Divorce couples are the biggest impact and have different reactions during or after they got divorce. Also, the aggression and helplessness felt by divorce parent can involve with both consistency and lovingness toward the children or other family’s members. Taylor Beth (2009) “found that depressed mothers were less likely to respond to their children overtures toward them, were less facultative of social interactions, had more difficulty responding to their child’s cues. Depressed people often find displeasure in any activity, including interacting with their family and other people around their life. This is shown to have a long lasting effect on individuals’ sense of control with their environment.
For this study it is valuable topic to explore because it is important to understand that the effects of divorce among adults are excluded to both individuals but also to the other people who are involved and in a family, the roles of the parents are very important. They are the foundation of a family, and the foundation is the most important part of any structure. When the foundation breaks apart, the rest of the structure will slowly collapse. Therefore, the breakage of a partner will have effects on other partner and family. It is also effective to view issue from perspectives to prone at real solution that would be helpful in society to deal with this social issue.
Symbolic interaction studies divorce at a micro level which means lever of small social pattern. George Herbert Mead’s concept of symbolic interaction was that the individual can control his or her own behavior, for he rejected Durkheim’s collective behavior, the thought that society influenced the individual. Mead believed that we made our own decisions and that we think and reflect about out interaction with other people. Humans have the ability of reflexivity, the capacity to respond to language, symbols, and thoughts, and we continually respond to our environment. Unlike animals, we also have to ability to step outside of ourselves and put ourselves in other’s situation. We also have to ability of communication, such as word, languages, written language, and the ability to put those together to make a meaning. Communication can be verbal and nonverbal. Symbolic interaction can provide insight into divorce and its effect on individuals. Communication, which is important in any relationship, is broken during a divorce process. The husband and wife most likely will be going through a divorce process because they cannot communicate well. The lack of communication can be some of the factors that the child can be having problems. Screaming and yelling is a form of communication but it is a bad form of communication and is not necessary when good communication can be used. The yelling and screaming give rise to stress level in children. Parent will do this without realizing that they are hurting someone that they love. The yelling, screaming, and ultimately divorce is taken into action, and some realize that things could have been worked out but by that time it is too late.
Structural-Functionalism is the contribution of parts of society that fit together to make a whole. These societies share values and norms, have a code of behavior, and have rules and regulations. Each part of the society has function and it must be fulfilled in order for the life of the society to go on the needs of the systems must be met. Functionalism emphasizes stability, equilibrium, integration, and adaptation. In a family, the roles of the parents are very important. They are the foundation of a family, and the foundation is the most important part of any structure. When the foundation breaks apart, the rest of the structure will slowly collapse. Therefore, the breakage of divorce will have effects on everyone and others in family.
Sampling and Methodology
The type of project that will be used in this study is quantitative research. Quantitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of the human group (family or interaction relations) and behavior and the effects that govern such theses issues. The discipline investigates the how depression impacts among adults by divorce. Beside this, the project will also examine the phenomenon through observations in numerical representations and through statistical analysis.
This analysis utilizes data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics, but since 1996 the Census Bureau allowed American Community Survey (ACS) to collect data related to marriage, divorce and widowhood. A nationwide annual survey offers the advantage of multi-stage probability sampling and can be considered representative marriage, divorce, and widowhood rates for men and women for the nation and states. The sample population of this survey consisted of overall national rates of marital events for men in 2009 were 19.1 marriages and 9.2 divorces, otherwise; the rates of martial events for women in 2009 were 17.6 marriages and 9.7 divorces. These databases show that the US divorce rate men and women are the highest in the southern United States. Moreover, the data also collected and estimated by the prevalence of current depression, CDC analyzed Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey data from 2006 and 2008.These data also allow for examination of comorbid chronic diseases and associated health-risk behaviors among adults with depressive disorders and should be used to help guide state-level chronic disease and mental health programs. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated that, among 235,067 adults (in 45 states, the District of Columbia , Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), 9.0% met the criteria for current depression, including among the 235,067 adult respondents in the sample for survey years 2006 and 2008, 9.0% met criteria for current depression, including women were significantly more likely than men to report major depression (10.1% versus 7.9).It is very important for employing this data and these tools because it helps to know that a person’s history of depression is directly related to whether or not they will experience a depressive episode following the end of marriage. People with a history of depression who become divorced deserve special attention for support and counseling services and at-risk populations should be targeted for intervention.
Data Analysis
Analyzing and Reporting the Impact of Divorce Depression on Adults
This database consists of the nation, gender, marital status and rate current depression among adults by divorce of the United States. The data shows that male and female from population of marriage and divorce 2009, national rates of male and female from population of current depression, national rates of marriage for male and female, nations rates of divorce for male and female, and national rates of depression for male and female. The Divorce of male and female is made up the dependent variable and Depression on male and female is made up the independent variable. Otherwise, total of number divorce rates for men and women are 9.2 and 9.7 and number marriages rates are 19.1 and 17.6.
Data Interpretation and Discussion
To research the vocational identity of depression among male and female from divorced the Measures of central tendency were computed to summarize the data for differences variables. These variables presented different implications. The gender represents the provider of the population, which is the dependent variable. The independent variables include the marital status, divorce rate, and current depression. The divorce rate, marital status and current depression are three categorical depressions among on adults by divorce that are committed in the U.S divorce highest rate due to male and female populations. The percent of female and male are known as measurement which is called percent of confidence interval. Using SPSS to determine the measures of central tendency of a variable named score. Interpreting measures of central tendency (including mean, median, and mode) and variability (including standard deviation and variance) on SPSS output. In the Statistic Table 1.1 illustrative measures of central tendency above consist of the table foe percent of confidence interval. The N value is total population male and female from data set. Measure of central tendency was computed to summarize the data of marriages for male with N value was 1, the median was 19.1. The number of marriage from male ranged 0 with no standard deviation. The minimum number of the lowest chosen and maximum of highest chosen response from male was19.1. Also, interquartile range (IQR) between 75%, 50%, and 25% of male and female was 19.1. The number of marriage from female with mean was 1 and the median, maximum, minimum, IQR was 17.6. The number of divorce from male with N value was 1, the median, maximum, minimum, IQR was 9.2. The number of divorce for female with mean was 1, the median, maximum, minimum, IQR was 9.7. The number of depression among male by divorce with N value was 1, the median, maximum, minimum, IQR was 7.9. The number of depression among female by divorce with mean was 1, the median, maximum, minimum, IQR was 10.1. Also, the measure of the distance between the highest and lowest scores all variables shown above ranged 0 and with no standard deviation. However, the rates of marriage for male and female had N value was 2, median was 18.35, the measure of the distance between the highest and lowest scores was1.50, the minimum score of lowest chosen from all male and female effected by divorce was 17.6 and the maximum score of highest chosen from all male and female effected by divorce was 19.1, (IQR) between 25% was 17.6 , 50% was 18.3 of number for male and female by marriage with a standard deviation of 1.0 and variance was 1.12. The rates of divorce for male and female had N value 2, median 9.45, the minimum score of lowest chosen from all male and female effected by divorce was 9.2 and the maximum score of highest chosen from all male and female effected by divorce was 9.7, IQR) between 25% was 9.2, 50% was 9.4 of number for male and female by divorce with a standard deviation of 0.35 and variance was 0.12. Also, the rates of depression among male and female had N value was 2, median was 9.0, the minimum score of lowest chosen from all male and female effected by divorce was 7.9 and the maximum score of highest chosen from all male and female effected by divorce was 10.1, IQR between 25% was 7.9, 50% was 9.0 of number for male and female by depression with a standard deviation of 1.5 and variance was 2.4.
Using Crosstab –Test
In the Case Processing Summary shows that 4 cases have valid response for both Depression among Male and Female with Rates Marriage of Male and Female and Depression among Male and Female with Rates Divorce of Male and Female. This appears in the column headed N. This number will always be equal to the number that appears in the interaction of the Total row and Total column in the crosstab. There is 0 case has missing response for both Depression among Male and Female with Rates Marriage of Male and Female and Depression among Male and Female with Rates Divorce of Male and Female. This appears in the column headed N. This number will always be equal to the number that appears under Total N (2) and 4 cases are in the data set for both Depression among Male and Female with Rates Marriage of Male and Female and Depression among Male and Female with Rates Divorce of Male and Female. This appears in the column head N. This appears in the column headed N.
These labels indicate the variables selected in columns option in the Crosstabs command. The row will be arranged down the table according to the values specified in the variable definition. In this case, the variable definition specifies 1= male and 2= female, so that the first row is the male category, and the second is female category. Also, there are the table cells that display the number of cases with each combination of categories for the two variables so we can see that 1 case was male and also had a rating 17.60 of divorce in California, and 1 other case was female and also had a rating 19.10 of Rates of Marriage in the U.S. Moreover, we can see that row totals column presented in total 1 person in male category, 1 person in female category.
Using Chi-square Test
Using a Chi-Square test could help this study to see if there is a relationship between rates of divorce and depression for male and female variables. In table 1.3 showed that the relationship is significant (ײ(1) =2.000, p.005). In the first row of statistic labeled Pearson Chi-Square has given a chi-square of 2.000, with 1 degree of freedom and p .157(This is not strong significance). The final section of result gives the value of chi-squared test in the first row. The value of the chi-squared statistic is 1.000. There is very small probability of the observed data under the null hypothesis of no relationship. The null hypothesis is rejected, since p0.05(in fact p.157) that there are no differences in marriage rates among the different depression groups. Thus, we concluded that in the male and female from which our sample was drawn, depression does vary by divorce. Conclusion
Depression of divorce is not an uncommon problem that people have to face in many societies. Sadly, this social problem is not decreasing but increasing year by year. It is known that about 50% of all marriage will end in divorce. It is important to understand that the effects of divorce are excluded to both individuals but also to the children who are involved. There is research set forward on the impacts of this social issue that affects both women and men. People of depressed by divorce have both been identified as being at high risk for depression and it might have other high-risk behaviors .The disintegration of their family structure and their idea of an ideal marriage creates mistrust and fear of their own marriage success. It is not to say that every partner who experiences their divorce will have these negative effects. In order to minimize the negative effects of depression by divorce on their own life and others so they needs to be communication between each other and this will help manage mistrust and negative consequences the children can face in their life.

Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.