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When Children Are Babies
When children are babies and they separate from parents, they will feel disturbed. Everyone knows when babies are born, they will depend on people to get some security. While babies are in two or three months, they don’t know people, so parents can separate them. These babies will get along with grandparents and they will not cry. At six months, infants will choose people. That means babies will express their condition when parents separate them (Bowlby 5). This shows that six-month babies will begin to feel disturbed when the mother leaves them. These babies will cry when they stay with grandparents or other people. Some babies can speak and they will ask questions for parents when parents want to separate from them. Just like Baladez says, “This might be a child who feels anxious and asks a lot of questions about where the parents are going. It might be a child who screams and cries when a parent leaves the house” (par. 4). Baby need to stay with parents. Otherwise, babies will feel less security. Consequently, parents separate from children they need to tell them when they will come back. Generally, children need parents to give them a sense of security. Parents should give children security, which is parents responsibility.
It is commonly believed parents’ behaviors and cognitions will affect children’s character. Parenting is indispensable to children’s life. Therefore, Gaskell’s article tells us strong genetic contacts with character and the outside world status, so parenting style can affect children’s temperaments. Some parents will build rules to restrain children’s behavior. That is why each child has a different character (pars. 1-6). The author gives us examples mother requires 4 years old girl to clear away her toys and father requires his son doesn’t leave his bicycle on the sidewalk. If son always does it, he will take away his video games (par. 4). These rules can help children adapt better to school life and that can develop children’s social skills (pars. 1-6), According to this article and instances we can see parenting in children’s life is importance. That can restrict children’s behavior and it will assist children to make a better life. At this point, we will already know parents have an important role in children’s life. That will direct influence children’s cognitions. Parents who also run to their life, expect to influence their cognitions. They decided their schools, neighbor, activities and other things (Bugental and Johnston 319-320). Those things always affect children grow up and develop their personality. Thus, parents should know their parenting is more significance in their offspring’s live, which can determine their nature.
Parents have important roles in their young offspring’s lives when they are children. Accordingly, parents’ educations become child’s behavior and personality, which are significance factors. When infants are born, parents are their first teachers and they will teach child’s lives abilities. Parents will provide their child essential knowledge and subsistence skills (Hughes par. 1). For example, parents will teach babies how to eat by themselves and they will teach babies how to walk. When babies almost grow up 2 years old, they will begin to imitation. Consequently, parents need to management their child and tell them what are wrong or correct thing. Generally, parents have significance roles in child’s life. The important thing is parents’ parenting, which can educate young children. According to Belsky Jay, parenting is importance factor for children education, that can decide their growth. This means children’s behavior will tell us their parenting (84). Just like we went to the public place and we saw children threw their garbage on the floor. Meanwhile, we would think these children didn’t have good parenting. For this reason, we will know how important parents’ parenting are to children!
In brief, parenting is importance. That is why school likes to build relationship with parents. Parents contact with teachers can help children study better and have good performance in school. In this case, many parents expect to have a good relationship with school. Parents cooperate with teachers it will develop children’s knowledge, so some schools will create cooperation with parents. It can strengthen parents and teachers contact. These activities will solve better student’s problem, and parents also can coach to children’s homework. Parents can command better teenagers’ school performance (Izzo, Charles, et al 817-820). For instance, parents go to work and they also can know children’ s performance because teachers will text messages to parents. Then parents can know their children’s class expression, which has better or bad. In a word, parenting can affect children’s school life, thence parents contact with teachers make children progressive and have good behaviors. Epstein says, “Teacher and parents are believed to share common goals for children that are achieved most effectively when teachers and parents work together” (277-278). Each parent always knows relationships with teachers is significance. Consequently, parents’ parenting should get children’s school information. That make more effective parenting. That effective parenting makes children promote themselves skills. Thus, if parents want their children to have good performance in school, they should often connect with children’s teachers.
Parents are exerting an invisible format influence on children every hour of every day. As a result of this, we will have a different family culture to affect children’s childhoods. The family’s cultures can decide children understanding and acceptable behaviors. That means young child compliance skills come from family. Their family culture will help children to understand teachers’ language means, thereby have better learning abilities (Stephanie 572). In brief, parents will create family’s cultures, which can affect children’s abilities. Family culture is invisible, so parents affect children every hour of every day. Because of infants like imitation people, which can better express parents’ influence. Mcaaoby says, “Early childhood is a time of high plasticity. Characteristics acquired at that time are nearly irreversible, although they may change the way in which they are manifested as children grow into adulthood” (1007). In this way, lots of parents’ attach importance to build family’s culture, which belongs to parenting. In fact, parenting should appear children’s lives. This always pertains to parents’ duty and it will affect invisible for young offspring.
Similarly, parenting includes father’s education and mother’s education and those are importance. Therefore, Father and mother are different roles in children’s life, because their education methods are differences. Fathers have more significance factors to decide children whether or not successful at school. Britain explores it, which needs fathers’ education level. Thereby, father’s successful will take successful to their young offspring (Adam pars. 1-2). Thus, we know fathers’ role are an important factor to children’s success at school. For instance, if the father is a professor, they will take their child to the academic place to develop their child academic knowledge. If the father is an athlete, they will pay more attention to child movement. For this reason, we can know why the last generation’s profession will continue to their offspring. Compared with father roles mothers’ parenting are also essential. Mother’s parenting is a more significant basis to decide children’s cognitive skills than fathers’ parenting (“Neurology; New Data…” par. 4). Consequently, mothers’ parenting is an indispensable factor in children’s lives. In a word, that is the reason for divorces can affect children. The authors say, “Following divorces the mother usually remains with the children and the father leaves the household. A mother with high resources may be quite beneficial to the child, but the father’s resources may not have such favorable effects, as these are often lost to the child following divorce” (Mandemakers and Kalmijin 188). As a result of this, we know divorces, which can affect young offspring. In brief, parents’ parenting always important in children’s life. Parents should build a happiness family, which can promote children’s power, because of fathers and mothers’ parenting.
Critics argue that the parenting is not important in children’s life, except parenting another side also have the power to influence children. In “School, Family, Neighbourhood : Which is most important to a child’s education?” George Leckie et al. research school, family and neighborhood affect children grade percentage. They find little effects are from school education and a large percentage are from student-selves (68). For this reason, we can see school education and student-selves decide children’s grades. Some parents are busy to work and they don’t have time stay with children, so these children’s good grades always from school and themselves’ great efforts. Just like Breaking Night author Murray, Liz, she wrote her own story about her efforts. She had bad parents, but she went to Harvard. Her success reason is herself efforts. Therefore, parenting is not an important factor in children’s life.
It may be true that parents are not important in children’s life, but Murray, Liz’s success is a little part in most people’s life. However, parents have importance roles in students’ life. Children’s academic expression success factors more depend on parents. Just like Dr. Toby said, parents would to checked student’s homework and they take part in children’s school events that also can let their child knows why the school is significance (“Parenting More Important…” pars. 1-6). In “Why is “BAD” Parenting Criminogenic? Implications From Rival Theories,” Dr. Unnever has the conclusion: incorrectness parenting will increase crime because they give their children error cognition (4). Consequently, we know parents are important roles, who can decide their offspring’s future.
Accordingly, parents also important roles in children’s life. Some special children develop success factors didn’t include the parenting factor, but mostly children’s success development need parents’ parenting. That is why parents should pay more attention to their children, which can change their child’s future. Thus, parents’ parenting will attach importance to future, because each parent wants their children has a perfect future.
Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.