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- /An Employer’S Standard For Dress
An Employer’S Standard For Dress
An employer’s standard for dress codes creates a standard for visual cohesion. This allows employees to feel part of a group and lends itself to a feeling of all working toward one purpose. It’s also true that if one person dresses like it’s a cookout on the beach while another dresses in a suit and tie there is going to be some awkwardness. Certainly, employees have a right to express themselves through their clothing – but by that same token so do workplaces, and workplaces reserve the right to express how they want their business to present itself. Whether intentional or not, how we dress sends a message. It is up to employees to ensure that the message conveyed by their appearance is that they’re part of the company.
The importance of dress code for professionalism cannot be overstated. Personal expression should be balanced with mindfulness of the company’s rules. To be a true professional is to respect your workplace’s rules for attire as much as they respect your skills in your field.
Employees are representatives of their workplace. The company’s goals and visions are reflected in who it chooses to hire. The standards for professional attire vary from industry to industry, so it is up to each place to choose its own rules. Even if someone works in an office with very little front-facing interaction, the general rule is everyone should dress as if their clients could come through the door at any moment. You never really know who you will meet that will make an impact on business dealings. People’s impressions are naturally based on visuals, so how you choose to dress makes for a positive or negative memory of you, which in turn creates that connotation with your company.
Experts claim that there are many benefits of Universitydress codes. Here are some of the most important advantages:
1) A dress code promotes a more serious Educational atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes good behavior.
2) Dress codes have proven to increase student achievement by encouraging students to concentrate more on their studies and less on their wardrobe. A de-emphasis on clothing can also save money, as there will be less pressure to keep up with expensive trends and fashions.
3) Dress codes in University settings reduce social conflict and peer pressure that may be associated with appearance.
4) Studies indicate that a College/University dress code can reduces the prevalence of certain behaviors which are often expressed through wardrobe such as violence or promiscuity.
5) As opposed to uniforms, dress codes still allow students to wear what they want which leaves students with a sense of choice and expression.
Be mindful that basic etiquette must accompany appropriate attire. Appropriate attire must be combined with basic business and professional etiquette. The two are intertwined and integrated when presenting a professional image of yourself and your company. First impressions and overall judgments about people are formed by the way they dress. Since the way someone dresses affects the perception of a company’s customers or business partners, it is important to maintain a standard of dress that creates a positive impression.
Be sure to strive to achieve an appropriate balance of employer rights and individual freedom. Some employers experience resistance from employees who believe they have the right to groom themselves and dress in a way that suits their personality. Basically, this is true in the context of what they do outside of the employer’s operation. While individuals have a right to express themselves, so businesses have a similar right in the workplace, since the way employees dress definitely sends intended or unintended messages to clients, customers and prospects. A commitment to strive to achieve an appropriate balance is very important.
Discipline and equality. When we go to school there is dress code rule that we have to follow.Dress code makes us to realize that we are in a institution.In a institution we can’t take study in a casual way whether it is school or college.Dress code brings discipline and equality between students.It doesn’t matter that what we wear.Being a student we should only focus on study.I don’t think that a dress code rule snatches freedom of expression. We and our parents are recognized by both name & surname similarly having a dress code our identity won’t be snatched rather we will be identified both our name and college.
Avoids discrimination brings equality Dress code brings equality between have and haven’t on the face of it .Some my afford to go for branded and expensive clothes but whereas may not. It may also bring sense of decency and avoid distraction time shall be wasted thinking what to wear the next day and will leave more time for studies
Avoids discrimination brings equality Dress code brings equality between have and haven’t on the face of it .Some my afford to go for branded and expensive clothes but whereas may not. It may also bring sense of decency and avoid distraction time shall be wasted thinking what to wear the next day and will leave more time for studies
I suppose and oppose of having dress code Having dress code is very important. So that we can identify where they are from. And no one tease them. And dared not to rang them. Now if we observe some colleges with not having dress code the are afraid of many problems.. In all the situations dress code is not important. In some of the situations we need to wear it. If we consider kaki dress we can say them they police office.. White coat doctors. By having that code we can say them.. If they are civil we cant say weather the person is doctor or police. So important to dress code in some situation.
I believe they should have a dress code. I do believe college/universities should have a dress code. I’m not saying for all to dress like clones, but in business casual, business attire. Let’s face it, in college you’re considered an adult. It’s time to pack up the booty shorts, and extremely low cut tops, sagging pants, shirts with explicit writing, etc. Act like you would at a professional place of employment, not a late night party. You certainty wouldn’t go to a professional career dressed like that, would you, it wouldn’t be allowed.
It is also a distraction in the classroom. No one wants to see your dimply ass cheeks or skid marked boxers while trying to learn.
I agree everyone should be an individual, and what you wear should never, ever condone rape, but it’s more for respect, and learning to be an adult with morals.
Dress is a language How you appear tells people your orientation toward an event. Someone going onto a beach with sweat shirts and sweat pants indicates their negation of the activity, while someone wearing Bermuda shorts and a t-shirt at a stock holder meeting communicates defiance of what people gathered in the event consider important. Leaders in a given event over conform to a certain dress regulation–the most "into fitness" person at the gym has the most precision in dressing sporty. Military officers of higher rank have uniforms that bring even more attention to order and command than cadets.
What is the mood of the classroom? Of education? To symbolize seriousness, devotion, and attentiveness in our clothes–rather than a fashion runway–is more fitting to the event than skimpy clothes intending to make statements of other priorities: my attractiveness, my sports, my nonchalant attitude toward life, etc. School uniforms are known across the globe, and in these countries, the level of seriousness in which education is approached is high.
If education is really so important to Westerners, we should show it in our non-verbal communication, not our unthinking slavery to fashion trends.
Uniform-pride of an institution Whenever we are at school,we should look like one. We can not refrain that dress code supports equality and identity. Wearing uniform is not silly but denotes the soldier of an army,the pilot of an air-force,the merchant of navy,the doctor of a hospital and likewise a student of a school.

Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.