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- /D.G. Weng Et.Al (2012)
D.G. Weng Et.Al (2012)
D.G. Weng et.al (2012) in this paper, a simplified design procedure is proposed for seismic retrofit of earthquake-damaged frames with viscous dampers. Several key design steps were elaborated, including the estimation of the required equivalent damping ratio, the calculation of the expected damping force, the design modification the damping effect analysis, structural safety evaluation, and a comprehensive cost analysis. Following this simplified design procedure, viscous damping forces are first determined by storey shear forces and they are consequently optimized by storey drifts. A case study was presented to reveal the usefulness of the simplified design procedure. The results show that this simplified design procedure increase the design efficiency by reducing complex iterative computational analysis and yet with anenough accuracy for a practical design. Since the required damping ratio can be flexibly adjusted in a large range (i.e., 0~25%), though designing configuring viscous dampers, this simplified design method can not only meet current Chinese design codes but also satisfy different demands proposed by owners. The simplified method proposed in this paper is not only developed for the retrofit design of earthquake-damaged frame structures with viscous dampers, but also for the damping design of new building or existing buildings. To be specific, it can be used to improve structural dynamic behaviors of a building structure by modifying its damping.
Qasim Shaukat Khan, et.al (2013) This paper describes the outcome of an widespread study on the seismic performance of a structure with damper and with no damper below diverse earthquake acceleration frequency like, EQ Smonica, EQ Lucerne, EQ Pomona and EQ Yormo EQ Altadena. The paper pacts with the gradual process to carry out non-linear time history analysis of RC 2D frames. Efficiency of fluid viscous dampers also studied.
Four dissimilar accelerograms were utilized to examine the frames. Analysis was made for 2D framed structures and response of building is then studied. Decrease in building response is watched in terms of storey drift, base shear, acceleration, displacement.
Loredana E. Rosu, et. al (2013) the intend of this journal is analyzing a 13 story steel building judging 3 structural arrangements, to emphasize the the majority beneficial answer considering consumption of material and seismic performance. To examine the act of every structural arrangement and to conclude the most efficient solution, a usual steel structure is considered with three following structural systems: eccentrically braced system , Concentrically braced systems, and a system with viscous dampers.
Abdelouahab Ras et.al (2014) considered the result of fluid viscous dampers on moment resisting steel framed structure. Quick nonlinear analysis is carried out for Boumerdes earthquake data. Huge drop in shear forces, bending moments, acceleration, natural time period and displacements are examined. The inter storey drift nearly found to be zero which allow the block performance of structure and hence shear force decreased. Restoring energy of damper induces the visco elastic actions to damper and the damper becomes more efficient in energy dissipation.
Yuvraj Bisht & Saraswati Setia (2014) At some point in january 2001 Bhuj Earthquake in India, numerous multi-storeyed structures in city areas failed and experienced prevalent damages. Post-earthquake observations exposed several shortage in these structures as well as non-adoption of seismic engineering practices and lack of seismic resistant features. Efficiency of viscous dampers is studied on a five storey RC framed building. Dampers were situated at soft storey and NLTH analysis is implemented. With the use of viscous damper in the structure utmost reaction and drift decreases in structure through seismic loading. The performance of building structure in seismic loading is progressed to enormous level. By providing viscous dampers up to five stories, maximum drift is reduced from 3.7 % to 0.86 %. key factors for decrease of response of the structure are parameters related with Dampers and the dissipation of energy generated throughout earthquake by the mean of viscous Dampers. The maximum acceleration decreases from 2.2% to 0.4% and base shear raised from 0.8% to 1.67% by providing dampers.
Liya Mathew & C Prabha (2014) studied the outcome of dampers all along the width and height of multi storey RCC structures. A relative study is made among the bare frame and buildings fixed with viscous dampers. From the analysis it is found that fluid viscous dampers on the corners of all the four sides of a structure are efficient for Square plans regarding width. with regard to height the peak displacement and inter storey drifts are reduced more effectively when dampers fixed up-to three floors for rectangular plans. Velocity and displacements can be decreased efficiently by insertion of the dampers all through the height.
To learn the effect of FVD along the height, analysis was made on square plans of six and ten storeys. since the earlier section, it was bring to a close that, for the square plan case SQEC i.e., FVD on exterior corners was found to be the most useful. To realize the effect of FVD along the height, the above case was used for the supplementary study. The diverse cases that are taken into consideration to know the efficiency along the height are
 FVD uniformly distributed
 FVD on alternative floors
 FVD on 1st three floors.
David Kim, et.al (2014) the estimation of seismic act and rate-efficiency of the several slim-type damper system is carried out in this study. A latest MSD system is developed for the vibration manage of seismic excited structures. The improved system need smaller installation spaces than conventional damping devices, while it can keep up satisfactory seismic performances. Three MSDs, namely, PSD, TSD and SSD, are created at a actual scale and loading tests are carried out. since the cyclic loading tests, dependable energy dissipation behavior is evidently watched. To legalize the realistic applicability, nonlinear time history analysis is executed for a ten-story earthquake excited building structure. The seismic presentation and cost-effectiveness of the MSD system are also examined according to the a variety of installation arrangements of the MSD system. From the relative results of numerical simulations and cost-effectiveness valuation, it is revealed that the MSD system is somewhat practicable and the combination of MSD systems can effectively progress the seismic performance of seismic excited building structures.
Afiya (2014) The Performance of the structure is studied in terms of time period, base shear, lateral displacements, storey drifts in linear static and linear dynamic analysis for with and without fluid viscous dampers building G+2, G+5 and G+10 storey models. The seismic analysis is carried out by response spectrum method and equivalent static method.

Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.