Relating Science To Technology
Acid rain is precipitation that has increased acidic levels. This can occur not only in the form of rain, but as snow, sleet, hail or any other type of precipitation. This acidity is a result of pollution in the air
Richard Davidson A Neuroscientist
Biological Perspective: A gist The human brain is the most complex of all other biological organs. It not only gives rise to the consciousness but also helps in the expression of our behavioral responses. The structure of the brain and the
Impact On Humans
-Styrofoam contains styrene, which has proved to increase the risk for leukemia and lymphoma. -People working in factories which produce styrofoam suffer high rates of cancer, and in females, miscarriages. -Plastics and their toxins get consumed by fish that we eat. -Plastic toxins,
Food Security Defined By The Fao
Food security, defined by the FAO, is “when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.” In order
A New Study
A new study by Siviter et al ¹ is one of its first to represent data showing the natural variation in environmental factors during embryonic development, and how it may impact upon the development of behavioural traits during the ontogeny