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This Day’S Century Have Derail
This day’s century have derail from the doctrine, message, teaching of God via difference kind of teaching from minister conference that Cajon, mislead, and divert the children of God, is servant from basic and important teaching of Jesus Christ. The driving focus of Christian should be the power to do exploit, sign and wonder by healing the sick; open the eyes of the blind, raise the death, and make the cripple to work. But as the case may be the ministers of today have manoeuvre their ways by using other means to change the heart of men. By saying that the people of God should stop sitting idle at home in the name of studying bible, praying and fasting that it amount to no help from God, that it better you look for business to do, and also seek for international exposure to assist the work of God, if not you would be honour. This teaching by ministers conference have obstructed, change 99% of Christian and upcoming ministers vision, mind-set, and believe from the plan and purpose of their life. Now there reason and understand is channel and centre on material things like money, international businesses, invitation abroad etc. they forgot that the God that assign them for a specific mission have everything in its possession to give as many as possible, and moreover, before he assign you for a mission, he will surely provide all necessary equipment. If only you work in is plain and purpose of God. But rather they intend to help the vision God gave them. This is absolutely not from God. They fail to understand, they can help God in anyway. By doing that they lost the glory of God, the fire that burn in them, indwelling present left them, also the things they do before, when they step their foot on the alter to preach, heavens open, the present of angels, overwhelming present, all this are impossible now. This indicate that after getting money, respect, and international connection I struggle before heaven open, even in converting sinner to Christ it become difficult. Unlike before I don’t talk much to sinner, they surrender to Christ wilily without much preaching. It proves that the fire had gone.
It has being seen and ascertain that we all need money to build a befitting auditorium for God, but we fail to realize the mystery of the important of having the power more than money. Where there is good auditorium and the power of God does not reside there, it only takes chorister, usher, and drama unit to bring people back to church. But when you have the power of God, it enable you perform is sign and wonder by open the eyes of the blind, heal the sick, cripple walk and mad man become well. You don’t have to put a notice of crusade before people will start trooping your church without knowing there is interior. When a man has the power of God, he has the ability to command things to work in his favour. The illustration of Jesus during the last minister conference with is disciple, you shall receive power’’ he knew they need money, but money can help Philip to bring revival to heathen Samaria and also the cripple at the beautiful gate had received money from pastors for years, yet a burden to people. But he realized that what peter and john need to give him was the power of God, and the whole cities surrender their shrine. In the case of Nineveth, it being stated that no amount of money can bring revival to ninevith. The church of these days celebrates money, unfired auditorium, and unction-less, titles. When the fire of God is in you, it represents the power of God, you don’t have to lay at burial ground for power and bring money out of it. The beautiful cathedral with nice interiors in America and Europe even pay for people to come to church, also provide tea and bread, so people will not get bored and live the church, this show that the fire of God is not in the church that is what happen when a generation of ministers abandon the fire in search of the praise of men. In the case of apostle Paul engages in business, at a time to fix is want. But never rely on is business for the missionary expenses, God raised people that helped his work in his hard. It is draw from this premises that if you as a minister of God are the one paying your bills of all expensive, know God is not with you.
However, typical example of minister like Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke what kind of business or work they do to raise the money for worldwide crusades that lasted for over three (3) decades, but he sort for God power and he got it without measure, and God raise men to carry is burden.
It opted that when apostle Paul went to mountains of Arabia to look for God, he grow in power, was discover that he found power before he build tent for sustenance. He performs several kind of miracle and brought revival to cities. By abandoning your prayer altar and seeking for money to do God work in your hands is totally not the will of God.
The bible scripture says in Psalm 66 v 3, through the greatness of thy power your enemies shall submit to you, and one of your enemies is poverty, but when the power comes, poverty will be broken, because it is God that gives you the power to make wealth. Also Matthew 7 v 7, emphasis that whatever you seek you will find, a time will come when we will have too much money to start investing into many other businesses.
Inclusion, the conference that the churches of this century are organising for the purpose of enlightening and educating the children of God, is upcoming ministers about the holy bible has not be grounded, dependable, or trustable. It has derailed the children of God. In the sense that they have being Cajon, deny, the real fact of what the bible means, rather they keep telling them to engage in looking for businesses, international connection, and visa abroad, but fail to let them know what they need to seek first, which is the power of God. With the power you can command nature to work in your favour. No matter are religious you are, pharaoh won’t let you go without a demonstration of God power, your money, your grammar, your education make no difference. The kingdom of God is not in word, money, respect, riches, but in demonstration of spirit and of his power. We are now in a creature of power; we have to become conscious of power in our walk with God. It’s time to walk in power! We are in the greatest outbreak of power in the body of Christ. Critical example is Evangelism Reinhard Bonnke a man that sort God for power and got it without measure, and God raise men to carry the burden for him. In a nutshell rely on God Power and derailed from unholy teaching of ministers conference that is not biblical base.
Freelance Writer
I’m a freelance writer with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Boston University. My work has been featured in publications like the L.A. Times, U.S. News and World Report, Farther Finance, Teen Vogue, Grammarly, The Startup, Mashable, Insider, Forbes, Writer (formerly Qordoba), MarketWatch, CNBC, and USA Today, among others.