The Artworks I Will Be Exploring
The artworks I will be exploring are part of the Renaissance period in art history which took place between the 14th and 16th centuries. The word Renaissance means "rebirth", a period of questioning and discovery. People during this time in
Confucianism Is Defined As A System
Confucianism is defined as a system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius. Confucius was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. On the other hand, legalism was defined in
Discrimination, Unfortunately
Discrimination, unfortunately, has been occurring throughout history. It mainly revolved around a particular event during World War II: the Holocaust, which was considered to be a systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of almost six million Jews by the Nazi
The Life Of Aaron Burr
The Life of Aaron Burr From lawyer, to Army Officer, to politician, to murder, to crook; Aaron Burr’s life was filled with action and mystery. He was a man never satisfied. On the constant pursuit for better and bigger; this was
Cyclophilins Are Widely Spread
Cyclophilins are widely spread in all studied organisms, can be found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and are ubiquitous proteins highly conserved throughout evolution. All known cyclophylin share a commom domain around 109 aminoacids, the Cyp-like domain which is the
Coming Of Age Study
Coming of Age Study Coming of age is the phrase used to describe the transition from childhood to adulthood. The “coming of age” period is composed of a multitude of rituals and rites of passage that have been set in place
According To The World Health
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics (2014), infections are responsible for two to five of the top ten causes of death. In the remaining causes, infections can affect the outcome such as in cardiovascular or chronic obstructive airway
Piaget’S Theory Of Cognitive Development
Piaget's theory of cognitive development explains how a child constructs a mental representation of the world. His stages test how children’s learning and ways of thinking drastically changes from birth to age fifteen. The four stages which reflect the increasing
Communism Is Not The Answer
Communism is Not The Answer Carmen Romero is an employee at Leo O’Donovan Dining Hall, commonly known as Leo’s, in Georgetown University. Since she is a native Spanish speaker, I had the chance to sit down and hear about her story
There Are Many Different Traditional
There are many different traditional arguments such as ontological, moral, teleological and cosmological for God's existence. In philosophy there are many different factors of why each person supports their own argument. The moral argument would be the one that makes